Food & Beverages - Quality control
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating", says the English proverb. No matter how well you control your process, you can only determine the final product quality on the finished product. On the other hand, the basic raw materials have a significant impact on the production process and the final product. So quality control of incoming raw materials is certainly meaningful.
Colour measurement
Colour is a very important parameter when it comes to food. Not only with drinks, but also and perhaps especially with solid products. Think of biscuits, toast, cake, fruit, etc. Using a spectrometer, you can carry out quality checks on all these types of products continuously and automatically. You can even use it to control your process (throughput time, oven temperature, etc.).
pH measurement
For liquids, even dough and pasta, it is obvious to everyone that the pH value is a key quality parameter. There’s a suitable pH electrode for every type of liquid. Less well known is that the acidity of, for example, meat or fish can be measured with so-called stick electrodes. Measure the pH of incoming products and determine what you will use it for.
Brix measurement
The amount of sugar or other substances in drinks determines the taste. And inline check at the end of production or just before filling gives you the assurance that all is well. Intervening at the last minute may not be ideal, but it can be done.
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