M+R trade fair

In the process industry it is of vital importance to be able to continuously monitor the production via the correct instrumentation. Discover all important developments in the field of measuring, control and analysis instrumentation as well as automation for the process industry on 22 and 23 March in Antwerp Expo during M+R 2023, the largest Benelux event on this theme.
Visit us at our stand 3173 and discover the latest process instrumentation!
cCare | Fully Automated Sensor Maintenance System for pH
cCare ensures accurate measurements through fully automatic cleaning and calibration of pH sensors and reduces maintenance and material costs at the same time. It contributes to process optimization, quality, the safety of people and the environment.
Based on retractable sensor holders, the pH electrode is pulled out of the process periodically or on command. The sensor is then completely isolated from the process in a rinsing chamber. In this chamber, the sensor is rinsed with water and other chemicals of choice such as acids or solvents. Afterwards, the sensor is rinsed with water again.
This is followed by a fully automatic calibration with pH buffers. After calibration, the sensor is put back into the process. The measured value is re-released after an adjustment time. The entire process is fully adjustable. The calibration and cleaning cycles are completely independent. This allows you to clean several times a day and calibrate fully automatically once a week.
PAT Masterclass
Auto-diagnosis and online verification boosts PAT's credibility.
Wednesday 22 March 2023 | 11 am - 11.30 am
It may surprise some, but PAT is not well accepted everywhere. There is still scepticism even in large companies. New concepts like cCare, lesser-known techniques like refractometry and innovative inline gas analysers are helping PAT's acceptance.
Today, PAT focuses on automation of maintenance and autodiagnosis of the analyser. In an engaging and dynamic presentation, we go over these trends in PAT through some practical solutions.