cCare - The ultimate concept for easy pH measurements
Inline pH measurements are among the most widely used process analysers in chemical processes and in food, as well as in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Although requirements and conditions differ in every sector, the modular cCare concept offers a solution everywhere.
Lower costs, less maintenance
Some of these pH measurements involve intensive maintenance efforts and high consumption of electrodes, which leads to sky-high operating costs. With cCare, you reduce the cost of maintenance hours and extend the service life of the electrodes at the same time!
How is that possible? Basically, by automating repetitive maintenance tasks, including calibration, and permanently reporting the current status so that you can always be certain of the result.
Operational reliability, verification and elimination of human errors
Naturally you want to be able to rely on the pH measurement. Regular verification and calibration are therefore a must in many cases. This requires a lot of time and experience and therefore comes at a high cost. Automation is the code word here, which also eliminates human error at the same time.
The cCare concept is built around high-quality components such as the Protos, Unical/Uniclean, Ceramat and Sensogate.
- Protos II 4400(X)
Modular transmitter that forms the central control unit of the system. Extendable with fieldbus communication and works with Memosens, ISM and analogue sensors. - Unical/Uniclean
Modular controller with a service-friendly concept. Suitable for installations in explosive area 1. - Ceramat/Sensogate
Retractable fittings available in different versions (materials, process connections, insertion length, etc.). Adjustable to all process conditions, even in extreme applications with difficult process media (corrosive, hot, toxic or pressurised).