The WIZ analyser of Systea is a portable multiparameter "in-situ" probe. It automatically measures up to four chemical components in surface water and seawater using reagents. Four important components, namely ammonium (N-NH3), orthophosphate (P-PO4), nitrate + nitrite (N- (NO3 + NO2)) and nitrite (N-NO2), can be detected at trace levels.
The WIZ probe automatically contains the well-known spectrophotometric wet chemistry and an advanced fluorometric method, which is performed for ammonia measurements. Other analysis methods can be included on request so the concentration of silicates, Total P, Total N, iron and other metals can also be measured.
The results are provide directly in concentration units, but all measured values are stored, including date, time and optical density of the sample. By means of a serial communication port, the data and the configuration of the probe can be viewed and controlled remotely.
- Multi-parameter: up to 4 different parameters.
- Long autonomy, low maintenance, low operating costs.
- Low reagent consumption.
- Automatic cleaning at the end of each measurement.
- Simple operation: quick start-up and easy control software.