Colour Consultancy
It's often said that you can't argue about taste and colour. Unfortunately, the reality is different. Whether it is a raw material or a finished product. Sooner or later, the question comes up: "Will it look like we're used to this time?”
Colour, it’s so important for very different applications. Sometimes there’s a clear guideline in the form of an industry standard or norm. And then a measurement method is drawn up accordingly. At other times, you are left to guess where the boundaries lie for your customer and, consequently, for your product.
Colour assessment usually starts with visual observations by a panel of trained or untrained people. Everything starts with a thorough evaluation of the existing situation.
Elscolab has decades of experience in colour verification and can thoroughly map your current colour evaluation process. We clearly define the existing situation and, where necessary, improve the visual and/or instrumental measurement method with relevant targets and tolerances.
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